Protecting your income
As a homeowner, you rightly take great care when choosing your mortgage, however some people fail to take as much care when it comes to protecting their income. A staggering 48,000 homes were repossessed in 2009. (Source: 2009)
Speak to us about how you can ensure you do not struggle to meet your financial commitments. This type of insurance is easily arranged and there are some very reasonable price policies available.
We do not charge a fee for our advice, so even if you already have a policy in place, it is worth speaking to use to find out whether we can save you money.
Some statistics about accident and sickness in the UK:
-You are 26 times more likely to be incapacitated and off work for more than 6 months than to die before the age of 65
-Statutory sick pay is just £85.85 per week
-An estimated 1 million people suffer from a musculoskeletal disorders (such as back pain and repetitive strain injuries) caused by their work. 9.5 million working days were lost as a result of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 2005 and 2006. (Source: Health and Safety Executive)
-Over 2.6 million people are currently claiming incapacity benefit and this figure has remained at around this level since August 1999. (Source: DWP 2006)
Some statistics about unemployment in the UK:
-The number of employees being made redundant every month is 100,000. (Source Office for National Statistics 2009)
-There are currently 2.64 million people unemployed in the UK. (Source: Office for National Statistics 2012)
We use a number of providers to cover short-term and long-term income protection needs. Costs vary widely across the market so make sure you call us for an illustration. Call on 07866 493113 or email us on